Biography: Christos Tsitlakidis
Introduction: Caesarean carries the legacy of an Emperor. It is the procedure that more than any other complicated by bleeding and infection. The impacted fetus is potentially lethal. Modifying the procedure in several areas came
out of necessity to respond to new challenges that appear over last decades.
Principles: Minimise the need for assistance. Create a clean and dry procedure. Eliminate the bleeding. Operate in a controlled and calmed environment. Try and achieve natural birth simulation. Involve parents. Eradicate risk of
post natal infection
Methods: Retraction of the panniculus. Large intrabdominal packs. The Stay stitches. A dry and clean procedure. The impacted foetus. The Kiwi cup. The use of tocolysis. Natural birth simulation. Parental perception. Inspection
of incicion and repair of lower segment. Broad ligament hematomas. Compresing the uterus. Eradicate surgical site infections.
Results: We tried those modifications over 800 emergency and elective caesarean section carried out in two units in UK, over last 8 years, with excellent results
Conclusion: Caesarean still remains a ferocious procedure that can claim lives. Should we do not recognize the challenges from a changing world, the furies could become the Nemesis of our practise. It is time now to move on to Modern Obstetrics